A week’s worth of easy tweaks to kickstart a healthier life

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You see, small changes add up to something bigger. If you can make changes so moncler outlet small that they really don’t make you alter your day too much, then it will be so much easier to keep going. And you’ll learn something each day cheap moncler sale as you go along.

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cheap moncler coats Day 4 Fill up on your vegetablesFilling up your plate with vegetables as opposed to a rice/pasta/noodles is a great way to make your meal healthy. Vegetables contain the best type of carbohydrates you can get, as well as minerals and vitamins. They are Moncler Outlet certainly healthier than the processed carbs that are refined of much of their nutrients. cheap moncler coats

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Day 5 Use the stairs onlyDitch the lifts and escalators today and commit to only using the stairs in work or even if you are in town. Making exercise a part of your daily routine is a crucial way to ensure you are doing your very best to kickstart a healthier life.

Day 6 Drink more waterAll you have to do today is drink more water. Ideally you are looking at two to three litres a day. The simplest way to do this is to buy a large two litre bottle in the morning and aim to have it finished before you go to bed. You will know if you are dehydrated by the colour of your urine. Ideally, it should be a clear colour, not yellow.

Day 7 Get some healthy snacks inIdeally, you should be eating every three hours with three meals and two healthy snacks in between. Why not try some of these snacks today:

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