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Flu activity increasing; CDC urges vaccinations

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Researchers in Spain followed more than 1,000 people for six and a half years, and found that participants who were on a Mediterranean diet and supplemented that diet with extra nuts or olive oil performed better on cognitive tests at the end of the study period than the control group, which followed a lower fat diet. The study was published Monday in the Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry.

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Although drinking alcohol is known to be a risk factor for developing breast cancer, a new study suggests that alcohol may not have any effect on whether you survive the disease. In fact, researchers found that being a moderate drinker may actually improve your chances of survival.

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Exposure to intimate partner violence and maternal depression before the age of 3 may increase a child risk of developing attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), according to a new studypublished in the canada goose outlet nyc journal JAMA Pediatrics.

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Centralized record keeping systems may help improve rates of colon canada goose outlet shop cancer screening, according to a new canada goose outlet parka study.

Researchers at the Group Health Cooperative, a non profit health care and insurance system in Washington state, used electronic health records to identify and monitor almost canada goose factory outlet 5,000 patients who were due for acolon cancer canada goose outlet in usa screening but hadn gotten it.

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Folic acid in pregnancy may help lower autism risk

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Researchers in Norway looked at data from 85,000 pregnancies, and found that women who took the supplement four weeks before pregnancy, and through the eighth week of pregnancy, were 39% less likely to have children with autism.

The Norwegian study is the largest to date on the benefits of folic acid for autism prevention, and marks one of official canada goose outlet the first tangible things a woman can do to reduce her risk of giving birth to a child with the disorder. FULL POST.