As well as providing scholarships for underprivileged youth, the Yuvabadhana Foundation also places great emphasis on developing the minds of young people. We have engaged the creativity of youth through our Fine Art and Literary Contests, and we are also working with our partners in the “Thailand Collaboration for Education” to provide innovative tools and solutions to improve the quality of education.

Current Project

Thailand Collaboration for Education

The Yuvabadhana Foundation is working with innovative partners in the education sector, to share knowledge and expertise and apply this to assist our network of schools. These schools face many challenges but are ready to develop the quality of teaching and learning they’re offering students, and build equal opportunities in education. With our partners, we hope to be able to reach underprivileged youth in 100 schools throughout the country.

Past Projects

Yuvabadhana Art Contest

The Yuvabadhana Art Contest promotes children’s artistic creativity. The first contest was held in 1994. Since then, the Yuvabadhana Foundation has held the contest annually for twenty years, partnering with the Faculty of Painting Sculpture and Graphic, Silapakorn University. The contest gives the opportunity for children to develop skills outside a classroom, and demonstrate their creativity and imagination.

Yuvabadhana Literature Contest

The Yuvabadhana Literature Contest promotes children’s creativity and imagination through writing and illustrating entertaining children stories. By creating storybooks, children improve their writing skills and learn to use proper language, work and share creative ideas with others, and allocate tasks and responsibilities. The first contest was held in 1994.

Yuvabadhana Youth Thinking for Future

This three day workshop is held once a year. The purpose is to encourage youth to develop their thinking processes and crystallize their ideas so that they will better know themselves and their capabilities. This workshop provides an environment where young people can begin to prepare themselves for an ethical and moral career.