Here Are 6 Of John Bolton

ambassador to the United Nationsand one of the most controversial figures in foreign policy, as his new national security adviser.

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canada goose outlet nyc His return to the White House marks a polarizing move for the administration, even by Trump’s standards. In interviews and statements over the years, Bolton has expressed a hawkish approach to foreign policy and a penchant for the most aggressive tactics. canada goose outlet nyc

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“The Legal Case For Striking North Korea First,” The Wall Street Journal, 2018

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In contemporary times, Israel has already twice struck nuclear weapons programs in hostile states: destroying the Osirak reactor outside Baghdad in 1981 and a Syrian reactor being built by North Koreans in 2007.

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“To Stop Iran’s Bomb, Bomb Iran,” The New York Times, 2015

The inescapable conclusion is that Iran will not negotiate away its nuclear program. Nor will sanctions block its building a broad and deep weapons infrastructure. The inconvenient truth is that only military action like Israel’s 1981 attack on Saddam Hussein’s Osirak reactor in Iraq or its 2007 destruction of a Syrian reactor, designed and built by North Korea, can accomplish what is required. Time is terribly short, but a strike can still succeed.

canada goose outlet in uk Rendering inoperable the Natanz and Fordow uranium enrichment installations and the Arak heavy water production facility and reactor would be priorities. So, too, would be the little noticed but critical uranium conversion facility at Isfahan. An attack need not destroy all of Iran’s nuclear infrastructure, but by breaking key links in the nuclear fuel cycle, it could set back its program by three to five years. The United States could do a thorough job of destruction, but Israel alone can do what’s necessary. Such action should be combined with vigorous American support for Iran’s opposition, aimed at regime change in Tehran. policymakers have generally acceded to Palestinian insistence that a new state be created for them, stitching canada goose outlet online together the Gaza Strip and the West Bank. These territories have no particular history either of national identity or of economic interdependence. They are simply bits and pieces of the collapsed Ottoman Empire and the failed League of Nations’ post World War I mandate system. Their economic well being, their potential for development and the prospect of canada goose outlet reviews living under a noncorrupt, representative government have been lost in the shuffle of challenging Israel’s very right to exist. canada goose outlet in uk

“Paris Attacks: Four Important Lessons World Must Learn From French Tragedy,” Fox News, 2015

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canada goose outlet sale We should not have invaded Iraq in 2003. Instead, we should have finished the job in 1991 after ridding Kuwait of Iraqi aggressors. We were told then that Arab coalition members, especially Syria’s Assad canada goose outlet uk sale dictatorship, would object to overthrowing Saddam. Perhaps they were seriously worried they were next. Too bad they weren’t. And there would have been no question of any Iraqi WMD after 1991. [.] canada goose outlet sale

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Iraq today suffers not from the 2003 invasion, but from the 2011 withdrawal of all US combat forces. What strengthened Iran’s hand in Iraq was not the absence of Saddam, but the absence of coalition troops with a writ to crush efforts by the ayatollahs to support and arm Shi’ite militias. When US forces left, the last possibility of Iraq succeeding as a multi ethnic, multi confessional state left with them. Don’t blame Tony Blair and George W Bush for that failure. Blame their successors.