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The South Asian nation is already one of the world’s hottest

India poised for smartphone revolution

has people, and it’s about to get many millions more. The South Asian nation is already one of the world’s hottest mobile markets, with everyone from Samsung (SSNLF) Moncler Outlet and Apple (AAPL) to China’s Oppo, Vivo and Xiaomi fighting with Indian brands such as Micromax for a piece of the action.

And it’s just getting started. Experts say India’s tally of 300 million smartphone users could grow by more than 50% moncler outlet sale in the next few years.

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“India is in a very sweet spot in terms of smartphone growth,” said Shobhit Srivastava, an analyst at Counterpoint Research. “You have over 300 million people sitting on a 2G device that will eventually move forward to a smartphone. this is the cheap moncler jackets potential that India holds.”

Two out of three Indian mobile users or roughly 433 million people moncler outlet are planning to upgrade their phones in the next year, according to a recent Counterpoint survey.

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High speed data plans are available for as little as 149 rupees ($2.30) a month.

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“One of the major reasons the smartphone hasn’t been able to penetrate rural or [smaller] cities is because it’s all in English,” said Srivastava. “You need to have the regional languages, and a lot of players have understood that.”

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India has more than 100 smartphone brands catering to a variety of budgets.

Samsung dominates with nearly 25% of the market, according cheap moncler coats to research firm IDC, but several domestic and international firms have managed to secure moncler outlet store smaller but significant shares.

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cheap moncler outlet Chinese manufacturers account for over half the Indian market, having made big inroads over the past year. cheap moncler outlet

“The barrier to entry is a lot less,” Srivastava said. “In India the smaller players do have a chance to grow.”.

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