French executives to stand trial for ‘moral harassment’ a decade after employee suicides

(Francois Guillot/AFP/Getty Images)

moncler sale outlet About a decadeaftera wave of employee suicides put French telecommunications providerFrance Telecom, now known as Orange, ina harsh spotlight, its former chief executive, six other executives and the companywill facetrial, charged with engaging moncler sale outlet in or assisting with psychological harassment amid a massive restructuring plan between 2008 and 2010, according to Reuters. moncler sale outlet

cheap moncler jackets sale It isreported to be thefirsttime a company of its size in France will face a criminal judgment for a bullying law known as “moral harassment” in the country, which issaid to have one of the world’sstrongerlegal policies against workplace bullying. cheap moncler jackets sale

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moncler sale France Telecom, a former state owned company, was partly privatized in 1997. As it worked to compete with other private companies, it embarked on ahuge restructuring plan between2006 and monlcer down jackets 2008thataimed tocut head count by 22,000 workers while shifting 10,000 people into new jobs. Unioncritics said that it created a constantfeeling of upheaval and uncertainty and that employees were given meaningless jobs. A 2010 report by labor inspectors said managers used “pathogenic” methods such as forcing people to take new jobs or giving unattainable performance objectives, according to Reuters. moncler sale

moncler outlet store Former chief executive Didier Lombard resigned in 2010 following criticism for management’s handling of the crisis. He was reported to have told senior managers in 2007 that he would “get [employees] out one way or another, through the window or through the door.” moncler outlet store

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A spokeswoman for Orangeconfirmed that judges had moved the investigation to trial and said in an emailed statement that “as it has always said, Orange disputes these accusations and will explain its position at the public hearing that will be scheduled in the coming months. In the meantime, it is important to not pre judge persons buy moncler jackets concerned and to ensure strict respect for the presumption of innocence. Orange is a company that is focused on its future development and independent surveys have shown that its employees are proud to work there.”

An email to Jean Veil, a lawyer forLombard, was not immediately returned; Reuters reported that Veil called the cheap moncler coats move “absurd.” Lombard has strongly denied that the actions taken by the company caused the suicides and said in a translation of a 2012 editorial that “at no time” were the restructuring plans aimed at employees, but “were meant to save the company and its jobs, and to open up new ways for its employees in the new digital world.”

moncler factory outlet Sebastien Crozier, whoheads CFE CGC, a trade union that represents workers at Orange (it filed a civil claim and began tracking suicides by employees in 2007), said in a translatedstatementon its website thatthe union “welcomes this Moncler Outlet decision” and that “it is now up to the courts to decide on their criminal responsibility.” moncler factory outlet.